24 gennaio 2021
In data 24 gennaio 2021, il giornale internazionale ITALY 24 NEWS pubblica l’intervista al Rappresentante Legale della Scuola Paritaria S. Freud, con indirizzi informatica, turismo e scienze umane.
Il Dott. Nappo ha espresso le sue considerazioni circa la ripresa delle lezioni in presenza, dopo l’ennesimo lockdown della scuola.
Bene ripartire, ora ci vuole continuità, sostiene il Direttore. Agli studenti occorre garantire benessere psicofisico: la scuola è luogo sicuro, per far crescere speranze e il futuro delle nuove generazioni.
School: Freud Milan; good to start again, but there is continuity
Nappo, students have to regain school everyday life
(ANSA) – MILAN, 24 JAN – “Very well that we start again, but now we need continuity. Everyone is happy with this choice, students, teachers, parents, staff, even if the communication times have created difficulties for some institutions. Now however, after so many months of being away from the classrooms and teaching at a distance, it is necessary to guarantee the stability of attendance “. This was underlined by the director of the Freud high school in Milan,700 students, Daniele Nappo.
Didactics – observes the executive interviewed by ANSA – need for human contact, looks, relationships, aspects that are essential for building a global education and development for adolescents. The school must be able to return to being a point of reference and a place to develop the prospects of hope and trust for the future, after this period that has marked a serious impact, turning into a discomfort for many of them, with the risk of bringing with it psychological and cognitive consequences caused by isolation “.
“A growing number of studies indicate that adolescents are one of the populations most exposed to the psychological consequences of the pandemic – Nappo announces -. In Italy a national study conducted on 2,064 boys aged between 11 and 19 revealed emotional sphere of importance, especially among young women. In the female population, in fact, the levels of worry and anxiety were higher, as well as the feelings of anguish and sadness caused by the loneliness felt during the lockdown, bringing out the pivotal role of school lessons in presence in the psychic and social development of adolescents “.
In short, “students must regain possession of a daily routine, the scholastic one that must no longer be missing, so it will be possible, we hope, to recover that necessary serenity that was so lacking; now we all have to commit ourselves so that the school never stops”.